Fuels Reduction
There is still grant money available for those looking to reduce fuels around their homes. Please contact Rich Cowger at the Columbus Fire Department – 406-322-4302.
Telephone and Internet Service
The front of the ranch has been wired for fiber optic telephone and internet. The remaining areas of the ranch may be wired in the future, but they need to secure enough contracts on those areas to start. Internet Access up to 3mb is available at this time. To sign up for service call Triangle Telephone at: 406-394-7807 or 800-322-1201.
Hunting or Poaching?
Members and their guests are welcome to hunt and fish on the ranch. Hunting is permitted ONLY on your property or properties that you have permission to hunt, in accordance with Montana State laws. Hunting in areas to which permission is not given is considered poaching and is punishable under Montana law. All roads pass through private property and therefore, hunting from the road is not permissible without the expressed consent and permission of land owners, guest must be accompanied by landowner. All YRRLC members have rights to use the road for ingress and egress, but not for hunting. Property that is not posted still requires permission. Contact us for more information.
River Park / Boat Launch
If you use the park, please remove your trash. Remove any trash upon departure, please remove all trash from the park area. If you use the fire pit or BBQ’s please make sure that they are completely out before you leave. Please close the gate each time when leaving.